
Xbox One reverse engineering stories

Welcome to this humble blog dedicated to documenting Xbox One hacking and research projects.

Follow me on X (formerly Twitter), Youtube and GitHub for updates


How to permanently activate an Xbox One ERA XDK

Set of steps to permanently activate an Xbox One Developer Kit (XDK) for preservation and research purposes

Scalebound Lost: a game preservation failure story

A brief story about my attempt at finding a Scalebound Xbox One build.

Argos Teardown: analyzing a prototype Xbox One controller

Video and HD images from this prototype hardware controller, a.k.a.: the Zebra controller.

Xbox One EXXX error code list

Repository containing tidbits about Xbox One (and Xbox Series) repair and error codes. Specially bootloader / early OS error codes and known meanings.

XVD (Xbox Virtual Disk) Format visual representation

Visual overview of the fileformat used in XVD/C files. Not 100% finished but useful as a reference when working with these files or learning about them